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General terms and conditions 

§ 1 General

GoodCare Recruitment GmbH (hereinafter “GoodCare”), based in Berlin, is a personnel service provider that specializes in the professional and ethical placement of nurses from abroad. Placements are made to healthcare facilities within Germany such as hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities (hereinafter “customers”).


§ 2 Scope

The following terms and conditions apply to all business relationships, services and contracts of GoodCare.


​§ 3 Principles
3.1 Fair Recruitment Care Germany seal of quality

GoodCare is committed to fair and ethical recruitment and placement of nurses from abroad, in accordance with the principles of the “Fair Recruitment Care Germany” seal of quality.


This declaration of principles is based on the 6 guiding principles of the RAL quality seal Fair Recruitment Care Germany.


  • Written form for verifiability

  • The placement process for nursing professionals is free of charge

  • Limiting the economic risk for nurses

  • Transparency regarding structures, services and costs

  • Sustainability and participation

  • Overall responsibility for the entire service chain


3.2 WHO-List

We are committed to respecting the WHO Global Code of Conduct for International Recruitment of Health Professionals and recruit only from countries that are not experiencing a shortage of nursing personnel.


3.3 International Agreements

We are committed to complying with international agreements, in particular:



3.4 Employer Pays Principle & No Fee Policy


There are no direct placement costs or fees charged to nurses for the recruitment and placement of nurses.

We are committed to only working with companies that adhere to this principle. We do not recruit in contractual relationships that contain repayment and commitment clauses that do not conform to the “Fair Recruitment Care Germany” seal of approval.


3.5 Matching 

Matching between employers and caregivers is based on certain criteria, including:

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

  • current PRC ID

  • Experience

We take the personal preferences of our candidates into account. Of course, the candidate has the right to have a say and vote free of charge. Above all, this includes the option of rejecting a job offer.


§ 4 Scope of services

We offer a full service catalog. This ensures that the placement process and start in Germany goes as smoothly as possible. Our processes are always in line with the latest requirements from authorities and other stakeholders.


The following services are included with us:


  • Acquisition and placement

  • Language training up to B2 level and B1 exam

  • Technical language preparation

  • Handling of the recognition process and representation before authorities

  • Processing the visa process

  • Preparation for departure (integration and crash course in the home country)

  • Coordination of entry including flight booking

  • Support with adaptation measures

  • Start-up assistance (registering for health insurance, etc.)

  • Welcome package for the nurses (flyers, information brochures, goodies, etc.)


§ 5 Obligations of customers/employers
5.1 Compliance

GoodCare only works with customers who also comply with the stated conditions of conduct.​


The customer undertakes to:​


  • To respect the requirements of the WHO Global Code of Conduct for the recruitment and placement of health professionals.

  • The nurses must be paid at least within the framework of the applicable collective agreements.

  • To comply with the minimum standards defined by GoodCare. These are further regulated in the relevant brokerage agreement.

  • Do not enter into any commitment or repayment agreements with nurses that conflict with the requirements of GoodCare, the “Faire Recruitment Germany” seal of approval or German labor law.

  • To create an integration management concept that contains at least the following points:

  • Foreword/Introduction

  • Preparations after recruitment

  • Arrival and the first days

  • Support with relocation management

  • Anchor integration management structurally

  • Sponsorships and mentoring

  • Organize the recognition process

  • Adjust training

  • Accompany team building

  • Expand skills

  • absorb conflicts

  • Enabling social participation

  • Dealing with termination and poaching

  • Make the recruiting process transparent and fair

  • Promote language development


The integration management concept must be presented to the nurses in their home language. GoodCare reserves the right to check the concept for completeness.


5.2 Termination

Ordinary termination of the contract is excluded for customers. Nurses have the right to ordinary termination with one month’s notice.


An extraordinary termination without notice for an important reason is possible for both parties in accordance with Section 314 of the German Civil Code (BGB). Termination must be in writing. GoodCare reserves the right to check the above specifications with the customer. If the above-mentioned conditions of conduct are violated, GoodCare reserves the right to terminate the contract with the customer extraordinarily.


In the event of early termination of the contract, the costs incurred do not have to be repaid, regardless of the caregiver's fault, for the following reasons:


  • Drop out during the first 50 lessons

  • for health reasons or because of pregnancy

  • due to force majeure

  • in the event of the loss of a close family member (parent, sibling, child)

  • if the company has proven to have violated the criteria from the catalog of requirements for the “Fair Recruitment Care Germany” seal of quality


In the event of early termination of the contract for reasons for which the nurses is responsible, GoodCare reserves the right to reimburse any costs actually incurred in accordance with Sections 346 ff. of the German Civil Code (BGB).


§ 6 Fees

The placement is free of charge for nurses.

The placement for customers is subject to a fee. The details are regulated in a written service contract.


§ 7 Recognition procedure & adaptation measure

With their deficit notice, nursing specialists can initially be employed as nursing assistants. According to Section 40 PflBG, completing an adaptation measure is mandatory in order to then work as a nursing specialist.


According to Section 49 Paragraph 3 Sentence 3 PflBG, nursing professionals can choose between two types of adaptation measures:


  • Knowledge test

  • Adaptation course


Both measures have their advantages and disadvantages. We would be happy to advise you on this.


§ 8 Complaint management

To receive complaints, a channel has been introduced via If a complaint is received, you will usually receive an immediate confirmation of receipt of the review by email, but no later than three (3) working days. A deadline of fourteen (14) working days is set for the examination of the complaint. When this deadline expires, you will be informed of the results of the examination by email.

In order to receive your complaint professionally and look for a solution, please provide the following information:

  • First name Last Name

  • Contract number, if available

  • Reason for the complaint


These Terms and Conditions are regularly reviewed and updated. The last update took place on April 29th, 2024.

Code of ethics


Our mission is to alleviate the nursing shortage in Germany by employing highly qualified personnel from abroad. We are convinced that, in the face of challenges, well-thought-out processes are the key to success.


We are committed to a better quality of life for those in need of care, better working conditions for existing nurses and new opportunities for nurses from abroad.


Our principle “From people - for people” plays a central role here. We adhere to ethical standards and set our own principles with the aim of maintaining recruitment at the highest level.


Compliance with legal standards

For us it is a matter of course that we comply with legal standards. For us, this responsibility does not stop at GoodCare - we also check these standards with each of our cooperation partners in and outside of Germany.


WHO Global Code of Conduct for International Recruitment of Health Personnel:

We do not place placements from countries that themselves have a shortage of nurses (see Section 38 BeschV, appendix to Section 38 BeschV).

Compliance with ethical standards

Ethical recruitment is a matter close to our hearts. If we want to find and retain highly qualified nurses for our aging society, an ethical and humane approach is essential.


Quality Association Fair Recruitment Care Germany

We feel committed to the standards of the Fair Recruitment Care Germany quality seal and want to join the quality community.


The Dhaka Principles for Migration with Dignity

The Dhaka Principles for Humane Migration consist of ten levels. At GoodCare, we are committed to adhering to these principles and enabling targeted immigration of skilled personnel.


Fee exemption for immigrant workers / Employer Pays Principle

At GoodCare, we believe that careers and international experience should not be tied to the financial resources of the staff. With the Employer Pays Principle, we enable motivated nurses to start working in Germany regardless of their financial possibilities. The nurses receive a scholarship for language training in their country of origin and are thus supported. In principle, we do not charge any fees for nurses. This also means that we do not agree on any repayment or binding clauses.


Clear and transparent contracts

The step of working tens of thousands of kilometers from home is not an easy one. It is not uncommon for nurses to be overwhelmed by the bureaucracy. We help you understand and have clear and transparent contracts for both the facilities and future staff.


Comprehensive policies and procedures

We put a lot of thought into drafting our contracts, internal policies and procedures. We only place nurses if we can assume that integration is assured. We support the institutions in implementing integration strategies, such as the introduction of a buddy system, etc.


No retention of important documents

For us, this is a given. However, reality shows that some agents or employers withhold important documents such as nurses passports. We expressly distance ourselves from such practices.


Adequate wage payment

We firmly believe in equality. Accordingly, foreign nurses must be paid the same salary. The amount depends at least on the current collective agreements (TVöD Pflege).


The right to employee representation

Under German law, foreign nurses can of course join unions and campaign for employee rights. Unfortunately, the situation is different in other countries. We support projects that promote the rights of immigrant workers.


Safe and humane working conditions

Here too, we support projects that promote working conditions for existing and immigrant staff. The standards in Germany are known to be high.


Safe and humane living conditions

We have set internal standards regarding the new living conditions of nurses, which must be adhered to at all times. This includes secure accommodation upon entry and other conditions such as functioning internet access to enable contact with the family at home.


Access to legal remedies

Here too, the legal standards in Germany are fortunately very high, so that immigrant staff have the same rights as everyone else.


Professional freedom

As part of our recruitment, we ask our candidates about their workplace preferences and take their interests and work experience into account. Some would prefer to work in a nursing home, others would like to work in clinics, intensive care or other wards. The nursing profession is also a calling.


We promote the interests and motivation of our candidates.


Quelle: Dhaka Principle

Our ethics policy is regularly reviewed and updated. The last update took place on April 29th, 2024.

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